Leon Battista Alberti
By Francesco P. Fiore
December 2012
Distrubuted by Trans-Atlantic Publications Inc.
ISBN: 9788837074210
80 pages, Illustrated
$42.50 Paper original
The necklace Architects and Architecture has been enhanced with a new title dedicated to the life and work of the great humanist of Genoese origin Leon Battista Alberti (1404-1472). Francesco Paolo Fiore explores the roots of thought Alberti and guides the reader on a journey through the play was written, designed and built the Renaissance master. Author of the treatise on "De re aedificatoria", creates a small number of buildings, the Malatesta Temple in Rimini, the architecture for the Florentine Giovanni Rucellai Palazzo Rucellai and Santa Maria Novella in Florence, the churches of St. Andrew and St. Sebastiano in Mantua. He died in 1472.