Le Ricette di Maghetta Streghetta


By: Ilia Gurado
January 2014
Mondadori Electa
Distributed by Trans-Atlantic Publications Inc.
ISBN: 9788837093792
180 Pages, Illustrated
$34.95 Paper Original


Witch boy wizard, one of the most followed food bloggers network is certainly the most original (it is the undisputed queen of Instagram and nominated for Best Food Lover Tweet Awards, and Best Creative), offers us his recipes through a sequence of occurrences various preposterous: a birthday calendar that runs from Hitchcock, Stephen King and Harry Potter day of macarons from the Thai New Year April Fool, the Feast of Dolls in Japan at the International Day of the Book. More than 80 recipes almost all unpublished and many witty menu to discover the magical world of the boy wizard, where every preparation becomes even a little story told through comics made ​​by herself and where every dish is a treat for the eyes and for the palate. To cook and fly with your imagination, have fun and impress with lightness and irony.