International Art Books

Ernesto Neto 4

By Dobrila Denegri et al., eds.
December 2008
Mondadori Electa
ISBN: 9788837062507
80 pages, Illustrated
$37.50 Box Set

Its how the sculptures, made of lycra and padded various materials, targeting a direct involvement of the public in the belief that art can be an ideal place for interaction with others. His work was exhibited in some of the most important museums of contemporary art in international and major exhibitions such as XXIV Bienal de Sao Paulo (1988), XI Sydney Biennial (1998), Liverpool Biennial of Contemporary Art (2000 and 2002) and the Venice Biennale (2001 and 2003). Catalogo della mostra (Roma, 30 maggio-31 agosto 2008). Catalog of the exhibition (Rome, May 30-August 31 2008).

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