Edited by Virginia Ponciroli
December 2010
Mondadori Electa
Distrubuted by Trans-Atlantic Publications Inc.
ISBN: 9788837084257
237 pages, Illustrated
$177.50 Hardcover
A personal interpretation of the light box, allows Elisa Sighicelli to play with the light and the details of his photographs. The partial lighting, carefully studied, they create spatial depth and metaphysical suggestions, almost out of time dimensions. The research aims to equate visual Sighicelli macro and micro scale, thanks to a conscious use of the horizon line, games of shadows and reflected light. This construction emphasizes the emptiness, studied and investigated with care, taking the undisputed importance of construction. The space is cleverly organized, full of memory traces, shadows and unknown, but without the human figure, only strongly evoked. The themes of light boxes are initially internal details (chairs, beds, chairs), then large environments, until the opening of landscapes, still drawing inspiration from the journeys. In addition to photography, Sighicelli also explores the video, always with the same care composition: Boudelaire (2004) in Non-Stop Exotic Cabaret (2007), Nocturne (Trajectories) (2006) in Dance-Bound (2007) until the work latest. The book presents a complete reading of his work.
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