International Art Books
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Education & Culture
By Arian Mostaedi
October 2000
Instituto Monsa de Ediciones
Distributed By Trans-Atlantic Publications
240 Pages, Illustrated, 13.25 x 10 x 1.2
$99.50 Hardcover
If there is a discipline in which human development is absolutely clear, it is architecture. By considering the evolution of forms of construction through the ages, any observercould trace the long and irregular path taken by historical development; the techniques of design, technological innovations, the evolution of trends and the formation of schools inevitably reflect the character, the "soul" of each civilization.
At the present time we find a wide range of schools that coexist and are interrelated: Rationalism, the Modern Movement, technology as an aesthetic form, Postmodernism, the return to classical orders, the recovery of local forms and building materials, Deconstructivism and ecological architecture.
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