Edited by Paolo Biscottini & G. Sena Chiesa
December 2012
Mondadori Electa
Distrubuted by Trans-Atlantic Publications Inc.
ISBN: 9788837095659
300 pages, Illustrated
$77.50 Paper original
The slim volume, richly illustrated, embraces the most current and meaningful on the subject in a graphic that will with its elegance evoke the glories of Constantine. The clarity of the scientific writings means that the catalog is intended for a wider audience than that of the experts on the subject. The catalog consists of a large number of papers assigned to major Italian and foreign specialists who deal with the various issues at the center of the exhibition. Several papers have focused on the religious revolution that persecution is coming to the time of grace: After careful analysis of the sources, we investigate the origin of the "Chrismon" by the imperial insignia to the symbol of victorious faith and then draw a picture of the other religions of the 'empire as you move from polytheism to one god. Other studies revolve around the three institutions that were the protagonists of the age of Constantine, the church, the army and the imperial court. A separate section is dedicated to Elena and her female power between majesty and holiness: the places in the East and Rome, the question of the portrait, the modern iconographic tradition also the Legend of the True Cross. Complete filing a complete and illustrated volume of more than two hundred works on display, from the most prestigious museum collections around the world.
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