Architettura a Vino, 2nd edition
By Francesca Chiorino & Luca Maroni
December 2008
Mondadori Electa
Distrubuted by Trans-Atlantic Publications Inc.
ISBN: 9788837031756
248 pages, Illustrated
$97.50 Hardcover
Cellars, tasting locations, museums dedicated to wine, welcoming hotels reserved for lovers of good wines represent new opportunities for the best and most famous architects. The producers, in every part of the world, turn to them and often, the images of their works have supplanted the labels of the bottles the old engravings reproducing ancient chateaux and vineyards, well-ordered, and just as frequently serve as backgrounds for advertising and promotional campaigns. The cellars are no longer secluded places, have become destinations for tourism becoming increasingly prevalent; made objects of worship, also thanks to the contribution made by the architects tend to become places of entertainment. But how do you harmonize these transformations imposed by market forces and entrepreneurial creativity, the fact that the wine you should or should continue to produce and grow old without forgetting the tradition advises and teaches? This book answers this question and this question again, because those who wrote it believes that architecture and wine there is a hidden but strong analogy: every work of architecture, like wine, should be made to age harmoniously. Not always, though, so it happens, but sometimes, as this book is about, so it happens.
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