Accademia Galleries in Venice
A Guide

By Nepi Giovanna Scire and Ivor Neil Coward (trans.)
December 2008
Modadori Electa
Distributed By Trans-Atlantic Publications, Inc.
ISBN: 9788837064426
94 Pages, Illustrated
$28.50 Paper Original

A quick guide to the most important collection of Venetian painting from the fourteenth century to the eighteenth century, including works by Mantegna, Bellini, Giorgione, Tiepolo, Tintoretto, Veronese, and the cycle of "Stories of Saint Ursula" by Carpaccio.

After a brief historical introduction on the history of the building and the art gallery, the guide follows the route of access to all rooms, explaining the history and construction citing the authors of the works on display. Of each room are the images of the most significant with captions. A general plan permits the rapid identification of the works of authors cited, and all those reported in the illustrations. The individual maps attached to the sections of each room allow for immediate identification in the museum.

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