Democracy & Dictatorship in Germany 1919-63
By Geoff Layton
April 2009
Hodder Education
Distributed By Trans-Atlantic Publications
394 Pages, Illustrated
$29.50 Paper
Beginning in 1918 with the German Revolution, this title charts the course of German history over this period, and the changing nature of democracy and dicatorship. It goes on to explore the emergence of the Weimar Republic with its inherent weaknesses and the subsequent rise of the Nazis. Nazi society, economy and political structures are examined thoroughly. The book then goes on to consider the course of German society to 1963, considering the consequences of the Second World War, the creation of two Germanys and the changes that took place throughout. Throughout the book key dates, terms and issues are highlighted, and historical interpretations of key debates are outlined. Summary diagrams are included to consolidate knowledge and understanding of the period, and exam-style questions and tips written by an examiner provide the opportunity to develop exam skills.
- Revised edition for the requirements of the 2008 OCR specifications.
- Study guides written by examiners contain exercises and advice on tackling differentiated exam questions for AS Level.
- Contains the latest historical interpretations of themes and issues.
- Features include: points to consider, key issues and key dates.
- Features such as key definitions and questions to aid learning.
- More support with assessment and exam skills.
- Designed to allow greater accessibility to a wide range of AS students.
Table of Contents:
Chapter 1 - The German Revolution 1918-19
1 The Collapse of Imperial Germany
2 The German Revolution
3 The National Constituent Assembly
Study Guide
Chapter 2 - Weimar's Political Crisis
1 The Weimar Constitution
2 The Treaty of Versailles
3 The Threat from the Extreme Left
4 The threat from the Extreme Right
5 Extreme Right Uprisings
6 Weimar Democracy: A Republic Without Republicans
Study Guide
Chapter 3 - The Great Inflation
1 The Economic Background
2 The Causes of the German Inflation
3 The Consequences of the Great Inflation
4 Stresemann's 100 Days
Study Guide
Chapter 4 - Wiemar: The Years of Stability 1924-9
1 The Economic Recovery
2 Political Stability
3 Gustav Stresemann's Achievements
4 Weimar Culture
5 Weimar 1924-9: An Overview
Study Guide
Chapter 5 - The Early Years of the Nazis 1919-29
1 Adolf Hitler and the Creation of the Nazi Party
2 The Beer Hall Putsch 1923
3 Nazi Ideas
4 Nazi Fortunes in the 1920s
Study Guide
Chapter 6 - The Decline of the Weimar and the Rise of Nazism 1929-32
1 The Impact of the World Economic Crisis on Germany
2 Parliamentary Government's Breakdown
3 Bruning: Presidential Government
4 From Bruning to Papen
5 The Death of the Weimar Republic
Study Guide
Chapter 7 - The Nazi Road to Dictatorship 1932-4
1 The Creation of a Nazi Mass Movement
2 Nazi Political Methods
3 Political Intrigue,July 1932 to January 1933
4 The Nazi 'Legal Revolution', January-March 1933
5 Co-ordination: Gleichschaltung
6 From Chancellor to Fuhrer
7 Conclusions: Why was Weimar Germany Replaced by a Nazi Dictatorship?
Study Guide
Chapter 8 - The Nazi Economy
1 The Economic Background
2 Economic Recovery 1933-6
3 Implementation of the Four-Year Plan 1936
4 The Nazi Economy at War 1939-45
Study Guide
Chapter 9 - Nazi Society
1 The Nazi Volksgemeinschaft
2 Social Groups
3 Education and Youth
4 Religion
5 Women and the Family
6 Culture
7 Outsiders
8 Conclusion
Study Guide
Chapter 10 - The Racial State
1 The Origins of Anti-Semitism
2 Gradualism 1933-9
3 War and Genocide 1939-45
Study Guide
Chapter 11 - The Nazi Regime
1 The Role of Hitler
2 The Police State
3 The Nazi Propoganda Machine
4 Resistance
Study Guide
Chapter 12 - From Occupation to Division: The Creation of Two Germanies
1 Defeat and Surrender
2 Allied Plans for Post-war Germany
3 The Allies and the Nazi Legacy
4 Democratisation and Decentralisation
5 Allied Occupation: The Soviet Zone
6 Allied Occupation: The Western Zones
7 The Division of Germany
8 Conclusions: The Creation of Two Germanies
Study Guide
Chapter 13 - West Germany 1949-63
1 The Bonn Republic
2 Party Politics
3 The 'Economic Miracle'
4 West German Society
5 Foreign Relations
6 The Adenauer Era
Study Guide
Chapter 14 - East Germany 1949-63
1 The Creation of the SED Dictatorship
2 The Political Survival of Ulbricht's DDR
3 The DDR Economy
4 East German Society
5 The Berlin Wall
Study Guide